Jetzt on demand verfügbar: Nutzung von CMCD für Media-Workflows

Gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern AkamaiBitmovin und Touchstream haben wir untersucht, wie CMCD die Integration optimieren, die Fehlererkennung beschleunigen und die Zuschauer zufriedener machen kann. Wir haben den Workshop und die Follow-Up-Session als on demand Version (Sprache: Englisch) für Sie zur Verfügung gestellt.

 Überprüfen der CMCD-Aktivierung in einem Player 

Hier geht's zum Video

Füllen Sie das Formular aus, um Zugang zu den beiden On-Demand-Videos CMCD-Workshop und Q&A Follow-Up Session zu erhalten (gratis, keine versteckten Kosten).

Überprüfen der CMCD-Aktivierung in einem Player

  1. Öffnen Sie die Entwicklertools in Ihrem Browser
  2. Navigieren Sie zur Registerkarte Netzwerk
  3. Filtern Sie nach CMCD-Anforderungen
  4. Klicken Sie auf eine CMCD-Anforderung, um den dekodierten Output anzuzeigen.

    Zum Verständnis der Schlüsselnamen und ihrer Bedeutung im Rahmen der CMCD-Anforderungen lesen Sie bitte Abschnitt 3.3 der CMCD-Spezifikationen. Die Spezifikationen finden Sie hier.

Noch Fragen?

Wenn Sie Fragen dazu haben, wie der CMCD-Standard Ihren spezifischen Arbeitsablauf unterstützen kann, oder wenn Sie bereits die Integration eines CMCD-fähigen Players in Erwägung ziehen, hilft Ihnen unser Team gerne weiter und führt Sie durch den Prozess.



Der Workshop fand in englischer Sprache statt.



Brenton Ough


CEO & Co-Founder

Based in Barcelona and originally from Australia, Brenton is the CEO and Co-founder of Touchstream. Prior to founding Touchstream in 2015, Brenton focused on performance monitoring at HP for clients like Sky, NYSE, and iBasis, and it is here that he saw a gap in mission-critical monitoring, specifically for OTT streaming. Brenton has a passion for sports, and is an entrepreneur focused on product innovation and development, a believer in partnerships, and a hands-on motivator.


Will Law


Chief Architect, Cloud Technology Group

Will Law is Chief Architect within the Cloud Technology Group at Akamai and a leading media delivery technologist, involved with streaming media on the Internet for the last twenty years. Currently focusing on Media Over Quic, WebTransport, low latency streaming, MPEG DASH, CMCD, CMSD and CAT, Law is Co-Chair of the W3C WebTransport Working Group and the CTA Common Media Client Data Working Group and past President of the DASH Industry Forum and Chairman of the CTA WAVE Project. He holds Masters degrees in Aerospace Engineering and an MBA and prior to Akamai worked for a series of engineering and media-related startups.


Tobias Drees


Senior Executive Streamologist

Tobias Drees has been a lead streaming engineer at G&L since 2008, and holds the clever title of Senior Executive Streamologist. With his 15+ years of experience as a streaming media specialist, and as one of the pioneering engineers of the company, Tobias helped onboard many of G&L's biggest customers that are still with the company today. He also conducted major live-streaming events for public broadcasters in Germany, including the world's premier international football and multi-sport events. Prior to joining G&L, he earned a Biology diploma and spent several years as a researcher in scientific institutions.


Igor Oreper


Head of Strategic Growth and Chief Architect

Over 18 years, Igor served diverse customer-facing roles in Media and Entertainment. Starting as a media consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers, he led 100+ projects for various clients. Then at Comcast, Igor developed Xfinity products and commercial solutions for Pay TV operators and media clients. Currently, as Chief Architect at Bitmovin, he offers technical and business guidance to strategic accounts, playing a crucial role on Bitmovin’s leadership team. A skilled media technologist, Igor has a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the industry and is passionate about guiding media companies to success.


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