Gewinner! Streaming Media Innovation Award für G&Ls AVPU

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◽ Dieser Beitrag ist nur auf Englisch verfügbar.

You did it! G&L's Audio Video Processing Unit (AVPU) has won the Streaming Media European Innovation Award in the "Encoding/Transcoding Solution" category! Thank you for everyone's vote!

This achievement is a true reflection of the dedication, creativity, and hard work of our outstanding team and partners.

The AVPU exemplifies what’s possible when we prioritize sustainability, flexibility, and broad industry impact in our technological innovations.

What makes this win even more special to us?

🔸 Innovation in every frame: The AVPU pushes the boundaries of what encoding and transcoding solutions can achieve, setting new standards in efficiency and performance, especially for live.

🔸 Flexibility for the future: The AVPU’s modular design and vendor-neutral approach highlight our commitment to delivering adaptable and versatile solutions that meet the diverse needs of today’s media landscape.

🔸 Energy-efficiency at its core: It’s all about spearheading the shift towards a sustainable future with low-energy, high-density solutions.

AVPU product sheet

Discover more about what makes the AVPU award-winning: Get AVPU product sheet 

Thank you!

A huge thank you to everyone who voted for us and a special shoutout to our partners Ampere, Deltacast, NETINT, Norsk and Supermicro!


Let’s keep pushing the boundaries of innovation and setting new standards in the streaming industry.