Live streaming Beethoven

G&L Event Streaming will once again be responsible for broadcasting the international Telekom Beethoven Competition for talented pianists via livestream.

Chart displaying streaming information

Click to enlarge chart

How will we tackle it?

The competition begins on November 30, where members of the G&L Event Team will be on site in the German city of Bonn to supervise the project and receive the live signals. The streams will then be delivered by our partner Akamai and played in the G&L Bundescloud Player with playlist function (see chart).

All presentations will be edited during the event and made immediately available on-demand. In addition, the source signal will be delivered to MagentaTV, MagentaMusic, #dabei and AmadeusTV for further processing.

We always love a good music project and are looking forward to being a part of this great event once again! 

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